Friday, October 26, 2012

Fun Friday

Wow!  What a busy day!  This morning started out with a bang.  I got the kids up and we went to town and ate breakfast.  This was their reward for doing such an awesome job with their school this week as well as helping me so much.  I had a tooth pulled on Monday and they have been super awesome and very helpful to me.  We sent Caleb off to school and Noah, Sarah, and I went to Wal-Mart and bought groceries.  

After we bought groceries at Wal-Mart we came home and unloaded.  We  began on school and I am happy to say that we were able to finish all subjects.  Usually Fridays are fun days with little to no structure due to my husband being home.  We were still doing school when it came time to pick up Caleb from preschool so my husband was nice enough to go get him.  

When my husband and Caleb got home and they were eating lunch, I went outside to let Annie get some exercise.

Beautiful leaf changing colors

Here is my sweet Chaweenie AnnaBelle

Look what I caught on camera! Beautiful!!!

After taking pictures, I went back inside and the kids were ready go carve the pumpkin.  I gathered all the supplies and took them out to the table on the patio.

About to carve a pumpkin.  Kids were so excited.

Sarah and I dug the yucky stuff out.

Daddy helped too!

Sarah got her turn to carve.

And Noah got a turn.

And even Caleb

We will be roasting pumpkin seeds soon and saving some to plant for next year.

The finished product!
 After carving the pumpkin we went inside and rested for a bit.  Then I couldn't stand it anymore.  With the tooth issue with me I had bought apples and caramel to do caramel apples but I haven't felt like doing them.  So we attempted today.  This was my very first time ever doing caramel apples.  Ever!  I had my first caramel apple in the mountains back at the beginning of October when we went on vacation.  It was DELICIOUS!!!!

I bought caramel morsels and melted them with a touch of water in a pot.  Sarah watched me.

After about 5 minutes on medium high heat the caramel morsels had turned into liquid.  Sarah dipped her apple into the caramel.  It smelled delicious!

Ready to get his apple to dip it.

It turned out to be a little more difficult than I thought.  Sarah touched the hot pot so that made me run them out of the kitchen to just let me do it.  Here is the finished product.  I must say I don't think I did too bad for a first timer.  I had one this evening and it was delightfully delicious!!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall Frolic Event at Agirama in Tifton

On Saturday October 20 our family ventured off to Tifton, GA to the Agirama.  The last time I went there was on a field trip with my class in elementary school.  I don't even remember the grade I was in.  All I really remember about going is when we sat under the shelter to eat and the country store.  I remember that I didn't know to take money and everyone got something from there but ME.  LOL! It's funny the things we remember about events in our lives.  I do remember having a LOT of fun.  Anything that had to do with getting out of the four walls of a classroom was ALWAYS fun.  It never was a let down.

We arrived at Tifton and we went into the store to pay.  We ventured out to the fenced in area to the left of the store.  We noticed a corn maze but we wanted to get on over to the other side of the place to walk around and see all the things to do so we didn't do the corn maze.  We went through the pumpkin patch.  It was really just pumpkins sitting out and around the fenced in area and they had some neat little pumpkin related things.  They had some nice picture props with hay bales, old tractors, and also seesaws and tire swings.  There was a corn box for the little ones to play in.  The following are pictures from that area.

Noah is 8 years old and almost 5 ft.  It's not hard to believe since his daddy is 6ft 5inch and his mommie is 5ft9inch

Mr. Caleb 3ft at 4 years old!

Sarah at a little over 3 1/2 foot

Here's a group pic of the kiddos.
Sarah, Caleb, and Noah

 We rode the train over to the other side of the pond where all the activities at the old 19th century houses were located.  They have them set up for you to walk into them and see how families lived then.  They have a country store as well.  It is a very neat little set up.

We rode a train run by steam.

Here's a nice pic of the 4 loves of my life. Caleb, Larry, Noah, and Sarah

Of course they farmed and this is how they ate back then

Noah got to pull water from the well and pour it down into the water pot for the animals
So did Sarah!!!
And so did Caleb!!!
After seeing the outdoor farm part, we went into one of the houses on display.  It was considered a progressive farmhouse which means they were trying new things to be more efficient.  These were some ladies sitting on the porch quilting by hand!!! 
It was really neat to see how this one room schoolhouse functioned back a long time ago.  There were all ages in one room.  The teacher would call each grade to the front where they would sit on a bench.  I did not know this.  Funny thing is, this is how our school here at the house works.  I was glad to see that maybe I'm not ruining my kids by not sending them to school for a "professional" to teach them. :)  We LOVE homeschooling!!!!
This was the front porch of the one room schoolhouse
The special of the day was watching the Native American dancing

This woman is a Blackfoot Indian.  I'm part Blackfoot Indian so I thought it would be neat to get a picture of her.  Her name was Topsanna.  It means "beautiful flower".

This was Topsanna's husband.  He was of a different Indian tribe.  He is explaining some things from their campsite they set up for people to see how the Indians lived before modern times.

This man played in several movies and he goes around the country doing different types of Native American talks, competitive dancing, etc.

She was beautiful to me!!!
My mom and dad also came and joined us.  This is my mom.  I sure wished I could figure out how to rotate these pics!
See Caleb?  That's as close as he would go to this man.  LOL!  He couldn't figure out why he looked the way he did.  LOL!
This man makes arrowheads.  The rock he was using was from Washington state and it was volcanic rock
As I look back to Saturday we had so much fun.  It was a slow paced, self guided tour of everything.  We didn't see everything so we really do plan to go back and soon.  If you've never been to this place, I highly recommend that you go.  Don't wait for a special event.  Call ahead and make arrangements to let them guide you on a tour.  That way you get hands on experience with everything.  Those are my plans because the kids really enjoyed this day so much!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Good evening to you all!  It was a beautiful day today.  I love this time of year.  I have to say that I am working on some entries from our vacation to the mountains, our visit with some Blackhawk Helicopters last Tuesday, a visit at the state park on Wednesday, and then we went to a Fall Frolic event at the Agirama on Saturday in Tifton.  Saturday was a family event.  Tuesday and Wednesday was more like a school field trip event. I can't wait to finish everything and post it!!!  I hope to get that done tomorrow morning before we go to Caleb's field trip to the library.  Then I will have more to post about the library field trip.

Right now I need to close. I hope everyone has had a good day and has a wonderful Thursday.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello there all of my followers!  I am so sorry that I haven't checked in for so long.  My life is very busy but as busy as these other bloggers' lives are I do believe that I can make time to have a blog.  It may be the only time I have on the computer but I am going to make time to blog.  If I can help one person by blogging, it will be worth the time and effort that I put into the posts.

Be looking out for more to come.  We just went on an 8 day vacation to the mountains and I have lots of pictures and information to share on vacationing to the Pigeon Forge, TN area.