Monday, August 15, 2011


We have had a great summer.  It was fun and full of things to do.  We are now back in school full swing.  We completed Week 3 Day 1 today.  We had a week off last week due to mommy sickness.  I had some kind of bug and we began the week with it and actually ended the week with it still hanging on to me.  Thankfully I am fully recovered and we had a good morning of school.  It was an adjustment back to a regular full day of school so we will see what tomorrow holds.  I'm sure it can be better than today. 

This week Noah is learning about Jamestown and John Smith, Pocahontas, Squanto . He is still doing his Horizons Math.  We will start Saxon Math 2 in September.  Mommie is also learning things that she never knew. :)   I'm still a bit confused on all this Phonics 2nd grade.  We're learning what diagraphs, breves, macrons, k-backs, and etc are.  It's confusing to me so I know it is to Mr. Noah.  We're also learning about what hell is and who will and will not be going there.  We're learning that God wants everyone in Heaven but that everyone won't be going to Heaven.  In my opinion this is very deep for my sweet 2nd grade boy but it's a good thing for him to learn now.

This week Sarah is learning about the moon.  Last week was S-s Sun week.  We learned that Jesus is like the sun because He is the light of the world.  This week is M-m Moon week and we are learning about the moon.  Scientific fact and FYI...The moon has no light itself.  The light we see on the moon is from the sun.  We learn this week that we are like the moon and Jesus is like the sun.  Without Jesus, cannot be a light in this dark world.  Without the sun, the moon would be dark.  I had NOOOO idea about the moon having no light.  Shows how much I listened in school.  LOL! 

Caleb goes and joins in with the 3 year old class at Douglas First United Methodist Preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:45 to noon.  He will be learning about the letter A this week and doing a craft and apple tasting.  YUM!  He tags along with his brother and sister when he is here.  He is currently working on his colors and shapes.  He likes to count too.  He tells me everyday that he loves me and gives me kisses through the day.  It just warms my heart.  He is good therapy for my soul.  He reminds me every day why I do what I do.

I will do better in posting in the next few weeks.  We are adjusting to having my husband home at night which I LOVE by the way and an answer to my prayer that I began praying fervently at the beginning of 2011.  God has went above and beyond what I asked for and answered our prayer early.  Speaking of husbands, he is playing with the cyclops microscope on the tv.  It's a microscope that you can hook up to the tv and look at things on the TV screen.  It's quite interesting.  I love that he is here and can do things like this with the kids.  There just wasn't enough time for him to do these simple things that mean SOOO much to the kids AND me.  I pray everyone has a very blessed week.

I do not have any pictures to share as I have been quite lazy when it comes to tis

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing Jen! Your week is going to be really fun and so exciting! I love how you've comboed in science with God! Have a great week at the Gooden School! :D
