Good evening! It's been a while since I have put up an entry. A lot has happened between the last time I posted and now. For starters I enrolled my 3rd grade son and 1st grade daughter into K12 program which is a virtual cyber academy. It's basically online homeschooling through a public schooling system. It has not worked very well for us so we are going back to independent homeschooling. I did attend a Real Refreshment Retreat last month and that is what sparked me into going back to the independent homeschooling. The frustration I have had with a few things dealing with GCA(Georgia Cyber Academy) has pushed me over the edge. I have done a lot of research and bought here and there some things. I've saved some free stuff on my computer and I am hoping that we can mostly use what we already have here at the house. With that said I have a lot that I know we aren't going to use. My goal starting in June is to really get my 2013-14 year planned. I will have a 4th grader, 2nd grader, and Kindergartner. I am excited where God is going to take us on this homeschool journey because I have completely given this over to the good Lord because He is the one who called our family to homeschool and He is the one who is going to lead it. He has already revealed many things to me.
Something else that has happened is my good friend had her 3rd baby boy. My youngest is 4 1/2 so that baby sure has had some good sugar.
We have also been corresponding with our Compassion sponsored child. It's been fun and interesting.
I have bought the homeschool planners from Apologia. I bought The Ultimate Homeschool Planner and three Student Planners from Apologia for each of my children. I can't wait to start putting entries in there for next year. I am so excited. I am so thankful for the ladies I met at the Real Refreshment Retreat. I am thankful for park days with my local homeschool group. I'm thankful for friends who don't judge me. I'm so thankful to be part of a Bible study group on FB called Good Morning Girls. I've met some very sweet ladies and we've did many Bible studies together. I am currently studying Proverbs 31 and Luke study Part 2. It's been a great journey!!! I encourage you if you do not read your Bible daily that this would be a good way to get in the habit of doing this.
It's my bedtime so I must turn in. I will come back and post about our field trip we had last Friday and about the trip to the ER I had to make with Noah on Thursday evening. That will be for another time though. They are both coming.
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