Wednesday, March 25, 2015

And so it begins....

The  homeschool burnout began mid February.  Even though we pretty much had December off, it began.  I got tired of having to do 3 separate times of school with the kids. I felt like I was just doing it because I had to.  I wasn't enjoying it anymore.  I wanted to spend time with all my children every day.  I started praying and seeking God about what curriculum we would use next year.  I asked my friend about a particular one she uses.  I did some research on math curriculums.  We did some changeups.  I still need to do some research on Language Arts curriculum for my 6th and 4th grader but I have that under control and I'm actively searching.  The Lord started working in my heart about the company that I went with for Sarah's Kindergarten and Noah's second grade year.  I really enjoyed the material and the kids did as well.  My friend whom I was asking questions really was very helpful.  I joined the Facebook group of the curriculum I was looking into.  I also joined a group that allows listing used My Father's World material.  I found a set listed for a good price so I went ahead and bought that.  I had perfect peace about it at that point.  We will be doing My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures starting April 6th.  We will combine History/Geograpy, Science, and Bible with all three kids.  We will continue with the Language Arts and Math curriculum for the current grade level of the kids.

Today we received a few odds and ends in the mail.  Here are the kids learning a bit of cartography today.  They were really excited to get a globe and world map in the mail today.  They also got glue, modeling clay, colored pencils, and a few other things that are for the ECC curriculum.  

We can't wait to start!!  We are all excited!


  1. Reading this reminds me of myself. It is a struggle to make changes. There's tons of researching & also trying to find a good deal too is a challenge. It's encouraging to know that others change up too. That is the beauty of homeschooling! I like things to be fun. My desire is to create a love for learning. Thanks for always sharing your heart. I love to read your posts!
