Monday, March 16, 2015

Focus word update: LOVE

I'm still learning to love like Jesus.  I still remember that focus word I started out with at the beginning of this year. I started out the year not really loving like Jesus.  I loved but I loved with condition.  Quite honestly I still love with condition at some points in my life and in some situations.  However, I am moving forward with it.  I am asking God daily to help me.  I am learning how much God loves me and learning to reflect His love and share it with others when I can.  I think my children and my husband have seen the most change as I am more focused on them and making memories with them.  In the past, I have really focused on a rigid schedule.  God has convicted me.  I was a Martha and need to be a Mary.  I'm still learning and I hope that eventually everyone that comes in contact with me will know without a doubt that I love Jesus and I love them with no conditions.  It's very important for my family to know this and then everyone else.  I love how it feels to know Jesus loves me unconditionally and I want my children to feel that from me as well. I know I can't love my children as much as God loves them but I sure can try to beat the mark.  That's my goal this year.  

I think that truly loving someone unconditionally is accepting them for who they are.  We appreciate the good points and accept the weak points.  We encourage away the weak points in a loving way.  It never turns out well to be harsh or to dislike someone because they aren't the same as us.  I have a bad habit of seeing the differences in someone from me and instead of appreciating those differences I label them with those differences.  That's wrong and I am a work in progress.

Praying that by 2016, I can truly love like Jesus.

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